Satoshi's Kernel: Bitcoin is Transforming the World

Bitcoin is designed to exponentially change life as we currently know it. It is possible 100 years of technological and social improvements will take place within the next decade.

A man wearing VR headset

For those not yet familiar with Bitcoin's extensive ramifications, especially among the baby boomers, Bitcoin is different from other technological advancements including the fax or even streaming video on the internet. Its resulting changes are much more than a new digital device or even launching a FAANG firm equivalent.

Michael Saylor says, "Bitcoin's emergence and rapid adoption are perhaps as impactful and culturally transformative as the ancient hominid's discovery of fire itself." In other words, Mr. Saylor claims that the digital asset is a digital flame.

homo erectus pre civilization tools

by Getty Images

by Bullish Dumplings

Similar to early civilizations' discovery of fire, Bitcoin structurally and swiftly changes the trajectory of humanity's destiny, but for the better. Bitcoin aims to de-industrialize the influential centralization of the internet and support direct peer-to-peer human connection and trade.

To succeed in this rapidly advancing decentralized new ecosystem, humans must detach from complete reliance on the Federal Reserve Board as well as corporate overlords. We also need to end our addictions to exogenous remuneration and approval systems designed to keep us concerned about whether we are certified and accepted by others.

On the contrary, we should adopt "radical individual responsibility," and be motivated to discover meaning, objective, and value in our hobbies and skills, while authentically participating to discover the prospect.

To achieve this, we will collectively pursue an internal trajectory of control and improve self-determination, the sole North Star indicator system to our true engagement and disclosure in the world.

Still, this will not come until we overcome the personalized "sovereign mindset" of individuals, which is the nemesis, of the centralized tech system of social control and dependency.

Tech firms are not ready to give up the valuable monetized domain.

Blockchain technology

This emerging decentralized, self-motivated, self-generated, and self-sufficient engagement is basically what the boomers once had for free, unrestricted. That experience has long become rare these days.

The self-generated original play of the past has been gamified and monetized, terminated, or confiscated by multiple sources, especially by centralized digital gaming and screen media design.

Our brains and their load have been reprogrammed and reconditioned by centralized sources, and of course not for the better.

Similar to how our ancestors discovered the power of fire, and invented tools and applications which transformed human development tremendously, by inventing Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto discovered a phenomenon of nature that can now be realized digitally.

What some individuals are unaware of is that Satoshi produced more than just a digital currency that could "protect" the populace from the greed of the big financial system that had brought much of the world to its knees. Satoshi also resolved a lengthy computing issue related to data and networks, and that is just as significant as whatever is occurring with the price of bitcoin.

The infrastructure Satoshi proposed was made up of "blocks" containing verified transactions that, when arranged in chronological sequence, created a "chain." And there it is, blockchain technology, the genuine Satoshi revolution.

In essence, Satoshi discovered an asset and store of time dematerialized in form of a digitized energetic transmission system, similar to a digital fire. According to Mr. Saylor, the authentic and rare digital energy of Bitcoin is the top saboteur value and platform we need to win

"The kernel" is the core or most fundamental level of an operating system, accountable for resource allocation, security, and file management.

A basic level of the operating system develops over the years and acts as a store of time and value expressed in a transmission system.

Similarly, Bitcoin functions as a storage and transmission system for "time and value," Bitcoin can now digitally store, transform and project "time and value." It is designed with a programmable transmission system that offers excellent innovation potential.

Bitcoin can now digitally store, transform and project

Bitcoin allows users to choose how to define and preserve innovative value by either "proof of work" or "proof of play." Users with playful creativity can now store it in Bitcoin on the fixed distributed public blockchain for the future.

Simply put, if you invested in dollars at the value of $362 per BTC in 2016, you will have passed on your digitized creative asset to your generations, and to the projects, you wish to develop, grow and outlive you. Still, you can program the transfer of creative assets many years into the future to be utilized in only specific ways.

Mimicking the example of the kernel advancing and replicating many similar operation systems, your Bitcoin kernel will epitomize your original time and the value of your innovative engagement in this world and tremendously grow in value, potential, and functions.

Your heirs can take your programmable legacy of scarce virtual Bitcoin and reinvent it in the future in limitless ways within their lifetimes, in their space exploitations, and in their decentralized augmented and digital holographic metaverses.

Many boomers cannot fathom all these new emergent worlds. Since Bitcoin stores and transfers while developing dramatically in its basic creative value and capabilities, and is limited, immutable, and decentralized, no other network or asset class can match Bitcoin's creative potential now, or in years to come.

Although Bitcoin is merely the first application of blockchain, it is undoubtedly not the last. The quantity of blockchain-based initiatives, platforms, and ancillary digital assets, tokens, or cryptocurrencies has blossomed over the past two years like daisies on a June lawn. And the network is evolving quickly: it only takes a quick comparison of 2017 and 2018 to observe how much the blockchain industry has changed since then.

Bitcoin is but a small part of the story; it is by no means the full revolution that Satoshi Nakamoto set in motion.


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